Chap 2: The Commitment
COMMITMENT... it is a big word with big meanings... with big power come big responsibility.. well bukan senang untuk kita commit or give commitment to sumthing.. cakap mungkin senang tapi nak melaksanakan amat sukar.. lebih sukar untuk give full commitment towards something... back to our days now ada antara kita yang sudah ada komitmen.. towards their anaks and family.. ada yang masih dengan isteri.. lebih ramai yang masih menyendiri... commit towards family perhaps.. ada juga yang cari hobi.. commit towards pets and tumbuhan berduri.. wah cam sajak pulak..
Anyway just to share some successful storie of mine.. yang baru nie dilantik jadi manager..(bidan terjun actually) untuk 2 team futsal for 2 tournaments.. satu untuk pasukan SEMESTA for SRIKANDI STF SBP tournament and one more is for JUST DAISIES.. maybe tak pernah dengar kan.. it is a great and ambitius ladies team that qualify to top ten FINAL in BERJAYA TIMES SQUARE for 3R FUTSAL baru2 nie.. cut the stories short.. the SEMESTA team managed to get third placing although they just learned how to kick a ball.. you girls are awesome and great... as for JUST DAISIES, the team managed to reach top 6 but loose at their plate final game..
Well true to say that I am very proud to be choosen to lead and coach them to such victory but my real target is winning and I am confident that they can reach the final if they have the things... COMMITMENT... again the matters arise... but kira okla tuh kan.. with such limited resources, energy, time and money... thanks girls for make me proud.. and happy especially to my beloved and friends.. it is such a tough job and your support is tremendously great...
As for me, mine is always towards my lovely gurl.. hope this JULY the commitment growth towards better relationship...... .....engagement ... ..
i'm excited counting down the days too ! ;)
oh my..seriously, with that kinda haircut, u look skinny lah. hehe..
anyway, congratulations on the coming event!
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